måndag 13 december 2010
Coming up: the recent incident at UU
fredag 10 december 2010
An email to one of Uppsala University's professors
fredag 19 november 2010
其实在她转告我答案之前,我就已经猜到了。只是从她口中听到会帮助我下定决心。按她说,某人对我没有感觉。某人自己认为她已经把态度表明得很明白了。同时她说也怕伤害到我,所以没有说死,没有给我一个 full-blown rejection 的拒绝。我跟亚洲女孩相处的时候,最讨厌的就是这一点。相比之下,白人女孩更加直白。如果她们喜欢你绝对不会让你如此猜测,不喜欢你也会立马说明。喜欢就是喜欢,从第一次见面起几个小时内可以进行到底。不喜欢就是不喜欢,话不投机半句多,上来一句“我已经有男朋友了”,“let us just be friends”,简单明了。男生很快就会知道自己有戏没戏,不会在一个人身上浪费时间。从这点来看,我其实更喜欢欧美人。
当然,什么话都不能说死。我找朋友看的是性格,不是年龄人种肤色身高体重三围。这次喜欢上某人就算是被她成熟气质加天真的组合吸引了。我那位朋友当初听我问起某人,她第一印象就是:“Leo Kinmann的眼光不低啊”。可惜啊可惜。
lördag 13 november 2010
The first weekend after iGEM
The day I came home, I slept for over 12 hours and woke up at 1pm the day after. I was going to have lunch with an old friend at BMC that day. But since I overslept so much, there was nothing to it. I have had a few very unproductive days recently. In my opinion, I should deserve some of that for working so hard before the Boston trip.
The iGEM Uppsala was not entirely hopeless. We received bronze medal, as I found out once MIT posted the result on their iGEM website. Forgetting to write down the safety questions on wiki wasn't that detrimental to getting the bronze. However, considering most of the teams got gold and there were fewer silver, fewer bronze, and even fewer non-medalists, the bronze is well-deserved but not something I would brandish.
Aside from the academic experience, I met with quite a few Boston-residents that I planned to meet. Allen, Sophia, Mengxiao, and of course my mother's old colleague Jifa. I'm still glad I managed to meet everyone of them during this short visit. After having lunch with Mengxiao in a Harvard dining hall I went shopping. Macy's was a gold mine. Copleys Place and Prudential Center sold mostly expensive stuff for the rich. In the end, I bought a pair of Converse for 45 USD, two shirts and two pairs of pants for 120 USD in total. On top of that I had great food in New England: clam chowder, 1-1/4 lbs lobster times two, great Chinese food, Mexican burritos, and more. In fact food almost got me miss my flight back home. I went away from the boarding gate at Boston Logan airport to buy some takeaway from Panda Express. By the time I was walking back all the way with my fried noodle, kung pao chicken and walnut prawns, my name was called by the staff. They said if I failed to board the plane within 5 minutes, they'd leave without me. I had to rush with my 5 kilo bag and finally made it in time. Although the food was so good it certainly made up for every second of stress I went through.
Back home, Sweden was covered in snow. Compared to Boston's autumn colors, one could imagine how a flight trip can bring you from one season to the next within hours. Quite a few things happened when I was gone. For example, one of my friends got himself involved in quite some drama. But for me, it's time to start working on that damn report and paper. Duh.
måndag 8 november 2010
At 2:31pm, Randy said: "iGEM 2010 will be over in just a few minutes."
fredag 5 november 2010
The first days at iGEM Jamboree, Cambridge MA, hosted by MIT
I flew with Antonio to Boston via Amsterdam. The landing at Amsterdam felt extremely dangerous. It started with the wings shooting two jet streams from below the wings; next you knew, the plane started to bounce randomly like it was caught in a turbulence. Well one could've believed it was indeed turbulence, before seeing the plane was actually 50 m above the ground, at most. Then came the landing. The first touchdown pushed the plane right back into the air, like an athlete's final step on the ramp when doing the long jump. Fortunately, this time the athlete didn't fall over. It was the worst landing I ever experienced.
The flight to Boston from Amsterdam had its AC turned a bit too low. I couldn't help my runny nose. Once we landed, Antonio was "random selected" by the border control. I waited for him outside, and he was angry why I didn't try to find him. Well, I said, if he got sent back to Europe, I don't wanna follow him by claiming to be his friend. The road from Logan airport to Hyatt Regency in Cambridge was long and painful. The hotel turned out to be 15 min from the nearest public transport and food. So strategically located, I thought. Now you have no choice but to buy their expensive food, like the 20$ breakfast buffet.
On Friday, me and Antonio got ourselves haircut. I also bought the iPad for my friend, draining my HSBC bank account almost empty. In the evening we tried to practice the presentation at MIT, and saw another group having their presentation. To our horror, our presentation lacked a lot of information. We spent hours correcting them all. Today we finally got over with the presentation. It was alright.
Actually it was not "alright". One day ago, I thought that me, Antonio and Hsin-Ho are the only ones representing Uppsala. However, Bing and Imityaz got their US visa approved last-minute. The pity was, Nagarjun who made the modeling couldn't come. We convinced Bing to take part of our presentation. Imityaz was persuaded into explaining the modeling. And he got so nervous during the presentation that it was almost funny to watch. When being asked a question that was expected to come from the judges, he tried to point at the huge screen 30 meters away with his fingers. I'm not saying my part was flawless either. I got a bit high in the midst and dragged out my part like always. If things stopped there, then we would've thought our presentation was "alright".
When the next team took over, we were totally stunned. At least I knew I was.
Imperial College London tried to create a biosensor for fast detection of Schistosoma parasite. It was done through a simple protein-protein interaction mechanism. They incorporated engineering designs and modules into the project, something Prof. John March at Cornell also taught me. The most scary part was, by the end of their presentation, they showed a "prototype" of their biosensor. Actually it was just a fake prototype, a wooden model showing how the product should look like. With their over 50 slides, we wondered how they could keep the presentation to less than 20 minutes. When I saw how the guys were alternating paces from fast to slow to fast, I realized how much they must have practiced the entire speech and timed it perfectly. Maybe they even planned ahead as much as knowing which minute shall finish with which slide. Their over 50 slides finished almost exactly on 20 minutes. My first impression of the overall project along with its presentation is summarized in one word.
Yes flawless indeed.
Compared to Imperial College London, our presentation looked like a pathetic attempt to sneak into this prestigious International competition. It was like a kid showing the mother the first poem he wrote, while your brother just composed something Shakespeare-ish. We looked like a bunch of fools.
After the break, an even stronger Cambridge showed up. They submitted 20 parts, recorded stunning footage of what their genetic product was capable of, and wrote a RFC for future BioBrick standards. On the way to Jamboree, they wrote three biochemical calculator and file conversion tools. Other than software, the Cambridge people even invented a device for bioluminescence measurement. The Cambridge team of iGEM 2010 is pure awesomeness.
After all the presentations, it was poster session. To cut the diary short, I'll just explain what I found out about the other teams. Things that the future iGEM team of Uppsala should know about.
Rumor say Heidelberg ran a 4 million SEK project. Each member gained 20 000 euro for completing iGEM, and they have 20 members. Uppsala's budget is around 2 % of theirs. Heidelberg's studies involved testing of viral strains on mice, which in itself is expensive enough.
Slovenia submitted 151 new parts to the registry. They won iGEM twice already. Uppsala this year: of the 6 parts to be submitted, only 2 got submitted.
Cambridge got most of their funding directly or indirectly through the university sector. One of their advisors is a lab director with extensive connections to the biotech-industry (my guess is he's Gos Micklem). He could personally get all the sophisticated equipments borrowed from companies to campus for wetwork over the summer. Our lab certainly didn't have all the equipments, nor the same kind of connections.
BIOTEC Dresden came up with a smart reporter system to normalize the fluorescence expression to a reference. They made a construct where the expression of YFP is induced; on the same construct, they inserted a constitutive RFP generator, using the red fluorescence as the reference value to the yellow fluorescence. The result was great. Apart from the companies they contacted, the university department offered them frequent and free sequencing. The Rudbeck lab at Uppsala was such a bitch about sequencing and getting the primers. While they agreed to sequence our construct, they did not want to make the necessary primers for us. So we had to ask some company to make our primers. In the end there was so much hassle that we never sequenced anything.
Imperial College London had all the company contacts taken care of by the university administration, as well as all the lab equipments. Furthermore, they received money for working and living over the summer.
Students from UCL had to contact the companies on their own, as told by a person from Imperial College London.
Chris Andersen of Berkeley is a judge at iGEM this year. His students worked on a cool project, and an open source program called Clotho. A super-senior of the Berkeley team told me how good it is for coordinating group works in synthetic biology. Uppsala students used Google Wave. The useful information was easily drown among the useless information. Mostly it wasn't up-to-date.
It seems like Cornell did something relatively trivial this year, they used a few somewhat non-conventional fluorescent proteins so they could contribute to the parts registry. We should have submitted all our intermediate parts, if they weren't in the registry already.
That's all for now. Tomorrow I'll check out Slovenia, UCSF, MIT, Harvard and some other big shots in this field.
onsdag 13 oktober 2010
Multiple Man
Living like this however, is not always that easy.
Sometimes it's all about choosing your side(-s). It could be from the smallest thing of who to hang out with on a Friday night, to big issues such as forming relationships. For example, if I were to pick the wildest party animals to get most out of partying, in Uppsala I might end up with some exchange students. For the long term benefit however, going for the Swedes is better. But the party won't be as wild, besides, it also takes some time for them to relate to you. The Chinese students usually never party in nightclubs, instead, casino nights, game nights appear periodically on their calendar. It's fun from time to time, but it won't give you the same adrenaline kick.
Since I have the options, choosing becomes a problem. Sometimes I envy the average dude who grew up in one place, and never moved outside his country. If you can't speak Chinese, you don't even think about hanging out with Chinese. That somehow forces you to only meet the locals, and in the end, you don't have as many "what ifs" in your mind.
Before finishing this post, I need to clarify something. What defines if a person is Asian, European or American? To be an Asian, you somehow have to know a lot of Asian stuff. Like what kind of pop singer is on the chart today, what Korean drama is on the air, etc. Your real-Asian friends wont bring up Bossa Nova with you. Likewise, the Swedes don't know anything about Jay Chou. However, if you find yourself having so many commonalities with all the groups of people, will that make you a many-faced person? If I'm with Swedes, I can sing drinking song with them, they see me as one of them; when I'm with my Chinese friends, I can talk about the trendy personalities on the Internet, they also see me as one of them. If this is the case, then what am I? Am I half Swedish, half Chinese, or neither? Maybe I'm a Swedish undercover in the Chinese, or an Asian undercover in the western culture?
I remember when we were kids, we dreamed of having superpowers. Forget teleportation, flight, eye-beam, or time travel. If there is anything that I can get good use of, it is self-duplication. I'll make clones of myself, sending one into the Asian crowd, one to chill with Swedes, and one more to pursue my California dream with the American attitude. Once in a while, all of my clones return to me to share their experiences. Maybe then and only then, I can finally figure out a way to live in the present.
It sounds crazy eh? Hahaha you don't have to take it seriously.
tisdag 21 september 2010
söndag 12 september 2010
Thriving like a cockroach
I went out with some friends. We took a drink at Upplands Nation, we went to an improvisational salsa lesson, and hanged out with some exchange students for a while. I was the one who brought groups of people together, and it was fun.
All of the guys who went with me to the salsa lesson thought it was an excellent idea. To them it meant getting intimate physical contact with scores of beautiful girls with hardly any effort. To me it wasn’t anything new. After all, it seemed like a smart idea to attend that dance lesson that night. Luckily the jousting show wasn’t as long as I thought would be. So I could make some positive adjustments to my plan. After the salsa lesson, we checked out over a hundred people dancing in circles on the square in front of the train station. A girl in our group suggested we should join the circle. So I ran over there with her. Then a funny thing happened: it took us like two minutes before we realized the dancers were all Iraqis, except us two Asians. We crashed the gathering of a local Iraqi community. But we were high, we were excited and in that moment, nothing in the world could stop us. We danced for a while before going back to our friends, who were still shaking their heads in disbelief of our little adventure.
Enough report on cultural night, let’s get down to my epiphany.
Mr. Hu the president of CSSAU once said to the graduate freshmen, that one ought to live like a cockroach in order to get used to the Uppsala student life. Roaches are die-hard creatures. You stomp on them a hundred times, they can still get up and crawl away flattened. They recover miraculously fast. To all the SC2 nerds out there, you know what I’m talking about. Just to make it clear, I deal with computer games only in past tense. Roaches even live through atomic blast. When all other sophisticated life forms perished in the nuclear winter, roaches remain, ready to dominate the earth and direct a new round of evolution in its own image.
Roaches are tough. So should men. Remember the Asian Playboy article I posted? A pickup artist should have thousands of approaches, with the number of rejections in the same order of magnitude as the approaches. Only then can they achieve their goal. In the seduction community, there is a saying that the best PUAs have had more failures than the average men. An average frustrated chump have never tried, thus, his statistics could potentially look better, because his number of rejections are zero. In the end, no matter how many battles you fight, you will only be remembered for the ones you win, and not the ones you lose.
Well, I’m not here to talk about seduction community. Getting rejected in clubs is nothing compared to those rejections for life. One of my friends at Cornell went on probation for failing numerous classes in one semester. He wasn’t dumb or lazy. That time, he took on too many projects and was way over his head. He spent half a year studying at home, fixing credits from summer school, and finally returned to Ivy League. In my opinion, he will accomplish great deeds, simply because he recovered from such a blow and learned his lesson. For someone who has always been successful, he/she won’t possess this potential. Well, if the winning streak never ends, then luck can be seen as ability. However, once the walls fall around you, some people just won’t walk around with the same confident stature as before.
It’s not about never failing, it’s the recovery. To realists, “failures” occur when things don’t go your way. They are bound to happen. You just have to live through them. Remember Mystery once brought a fake cigar to bars and night clubs. It was just another prop he wanted to try. Unfortunately, within minutes of conversation, his targets could always realize the cigar wasn’t real. They asked him why he brought a fake cigar when going out. The first time it happened, he didn’t have any good answer. He was like “uh, I don’t know…” Whenever somebody looked through his trick and confronted him about it, it was like catching a pig in a bag. No thrill, just slaughter. However, Mystery came up with an excellent way to recover from his blown cover.
He said: smoking disgusts me. Then he would puff the cigar as if it was real. This line made a humorous turn and his status was reinstated.
In real life, you don’t always find a fast and easy recovery as Mystery did. But you have to recover anyway. When Boston Celtics were facing off the Kobe-led Lakers, their head coach told the Celtics: Kobe will always score. He’ll score no matter how far away the hoop is, he’ll score with your hands in his face, and he’ll score with you performing a perfect block on his shot. You just have to take Kobe’s hits and hit back harder. In that game, Kobe scored a game-high 38 points. However, the Lakers lost with almost 20 points. It’s your right to get whatever you want, but it’s the right of the universe to grant you failures. Countering failure is like stopping Kobe Bryant from winning a game. They’ll always hit you, and sometimes hurt you. Just stand up like those hits weren’t real, and try again.
fredag 3 september 2010
Nothing goes according to plan
Only if the things went according to my plan.
Scenario one: finding a housing in Uppsala this year is difficult beyond belief. The youngsters born in the 1990s have graduated from high school. Due to the worldwide recession, those folks who didn't choose academia, ended up jobless. This year is the time when everyone turned their eyes from the depleted job opportunities to higher education. The university officials, incompetent as they are, admitted more students than what the local housing options can possibly accommodate. Also being the last tuition-free year for master students coming from outside EU, the influx of international graduate students is at a historic high. With my 1700 days in the line at a major housing company, I only got an apartment after three rounds of selection. The move-in was set at September 1st, two days since the semester start. During my first ten days in Uppsala, I lived at a friend's place. He was kind enough to let me sleep on a comfortable mattress in his living room. This guy and me, we were in the same class since freshman year. Now he's doing his master thesis. It's like living a life connected by three dots: BMC, the institute where he works; home; the ICA store where he purchases grocery. Life is boring and it sucks.
Scenario two: most of the people I knew since earlier are either taking a year off, or working on master thesis. There are few familiar faces in my classes. My social circle in Uppsala is facing a decline. My friend Anna with astonishing prowess in Chinese, went to China; Sven the nice dude from Chemical Engineering chose one year in Shanghai after losing a student board election; A clique of girls in my major either transferred to Gothenborg or remain in Adelaide on exchange. Other than my friends who departed, more are on their way to leave the town. Mohammad my IBO-alumnus is going to Chicago for his master thesis in a few months. Without the company of my closest friends, I'm yet again a new guy in town.
Scenario three: I finally moved into my new apartment. It seems like the previous patron from either India, Pakistan or Bangladesh abused the condo badly (his name was still on the mailbox). The wallpapers are completely greased. The doors are full of dents. The funniest part is, he even removed the light bulbs from the kitchen, the bathroom, and the closet. Something you definitely shouldn't do in a Swedish apartment for rent. This apartment came unfurnitured. The first few weeks in school are totally wasted on buying furnitures and making my home look good. Whenever I'm cooking or just hanging around, I keep finding new traces of past abuse. I don't wanna act like a racist. Though I strongly encourage people to not live into their own stereotype, giving the true racists reasons to justify their actions.
Scenario four: One of my best friend is supposed to write his bachelor thesis in Economics. However, due to a misunderstanding between him and his faculty advisor, he failed to register the thesis-writing as a course. This semester, he got no course registered. Which in turn meant no study aid from CSN, the Swedish Board of Study Aid. Initially we were supposed to share the apartment together with a third patron from China. Since he got no money, he had to back out. To fund his living, my troubled friend must find a job. I can't blame him, although I sincerely hope this transpiration won't disturb our perfectly maintained friendship. I'm sharing the apartment with two Chinese graduate students now.
Scenario five: it's gonna take longer before I can graduate. If I insist on having my master thesis in US, I must wait. Mohammad is going to Chicago in January, and he was accepted as early as in May. Two people from my major started their own iGEM team. Both of them got projects to work on stateside. They were admitted when I was still in Cornell and they are going in January as well. The lapse of at least one semester is required from the point one gets admitted til the actual visit. I realized when I was indulging myself with the Cornell experience, my Swedish classmates weren't sitting around doing nothing either. Since they stayed for a prolonged time in Uppsala and obtained experience within the local research sector, they gained an upper hand. Even with the valuable trainings Cornell offered, I ended up "in their game". For example, the iGEM folks would never peer into iGEM if they went abroad. They wouldn't know enough people in Uppsala to build a team and get financial support. In some sense, it's better to stay at one institute than moving around. It's good to get new experiences, but if you want to accomplish something, sometimes you have to settle down and let time fullfil its promises. I have no clue of what's gonna happen to me next semester. It would suck so much if I can't make it to USA before summer. I'll become a super-uber-senior who takes too long to graduate. Besides, I won't even have those friends with master thesis around me anymore. They'll be graduating in spring and leave the town.
Even with a few difficulties in my social as well as academic life, there are a few things I haven't lost my grip on. I'm mostly interested in synthetic biology. Unfortunately Uppsala has no research program or courses offered in the field. I want to find a lab in US working on it. To prepare myself, I signed up for a literature project course. You are to read articles on a given subject and submit a review. I chose synthetic biology. I want to read up on the subject so I will know for sure what I'm gonna work on. Also, it's a chance for me to prove myself for my future lab supervisor that I know a great deal about synthetic biology even without having worked in a synethic biology lab. My friend who offered me housing earlier suggested since Uppsala has no synthetic biology, I can perhaps bring it here. After working and gaining enough experience from my future research abroad, I should try to lead my own synthetic biolog team in Uppsala and become a professor. When that day comes, I must hire a bunch of good-looking babes as my students, and put my friend right in the middle of all those wonderful creatures. "By then, you can finally repay my favor!" He gave out a laughter.
Tomorrow is a big day. My parents are coming to help me furnish my room. After that it's an important meeting. I still love US much more than Sweden. Hopefully I'm going to see the "land of freedom" again in the near future.
tisdag 10 augusti 2010
Predators, let the survival begin!
Predator 这个系列应该可以算是科幻,动作,血腥与恐怖合四为一。第一部由施瓦辛格主演的《Predator》在1987年进入影院后便一炮打红(万分注意结尾的 s)。如今围绕这个主题展开的有五部电影,多款游戏,和无数漫画及动漫。在欧美,Predator的fanbase十分庞大。Predators是一类人形外星生物,又称捕食者。他们的科技比人类要发达很多。他们可以在星系之间航行,并且把自己的人和宇宙飞船用隐形装置隐蔽起来让人无法发现。在拥有发达的科技下,捕食者们保留了武士和猎手的文化。一个捕食者在同伴中的地位以捕猎的技能有关。他们佩带猎物身上摘取的骨头作为战利品,以此展示自己的捕猎能力。资深的捕食者一般身上挂满了各式各样外星生物的头颅。年轻捕食者必须经过的成人礼,就是被送到一处猎场,捕猎并且存活下来。

这里关键细节呢,就是:他们捕的猎物之一,是人。你看的没错,叫human也好,叫Homo sapiens也好,就是人。这里所涉及的是对传统道德观的挑战。当今人们捕猎,已经不是为了食物,而是寻求回归原始的暴力感和刺激。捕食者作为科技更发达的文明,捕猎科技落后的蛮荒人类。你还可以把它跟非洲殖民者比较,拥有机枪的白人屠杀使用长矛弓箭的黑人,也曾经被美化为文明铲除野蛮的过程。 Predator这个系列造就了一个假想天敌,把处于人类文明鼎峰的战士们放在猎物的位置,然后再把屠杀演给人看。在捕食者刻毒的高科技武器面前,人仿佛小孩脚下的蚂蚁一样弱小。在捕食者面前,低级的人类是牲口,是猎物,是娱乐的工具。在捕食者的枪口下,伟大的人与伟大的蚂蚁毫无差别。一千五百年前,蛮族首领,匈王阿提拉(Attila the Hun)率领铁骑大军席卷欧洲文明的罗马帝国,使其灭亡。阿提拉为日后的历史学家上了一课:文明与野蛮的界线,是由刀剑画出来的。残忍的捕食者之所以能把文明的人类变成牲畜,只是因为他们的科技和武器给了他们这个特权。到最后,为了存活,人类所有的道德观,价值观纷纷飞灰烟灭。唯一剩下的原则是强者存,弱者亡这个简单事实。丘吉尔曾说过:“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”为了存活,为了能撰写自己的历史,有时候人需要脱离并超越简简单单的“对与错”这个层面。
《Predators》是Predator系列的第五部大片。电影开始,Adrien Brody(The Pianist男一号)同学以自由落体速度从天空下坠。处于昏迷状态的他在半空中惊醒,就在快要摔死的前几秒,降落伞张开,他落在了一处热带雨林里。落地后,Adrien在雨林里遇到了七个与他经历相同的人。他们几个要么是职业军人,要么就是杀人不眨眼的职业罪犯。这里有:俄罗斯特种部队先锋兵(Spetsnaz alpha group),以色列国防军狙击手(Israeli Defence Force sniper),墨西哥贩毒团杀手(Los Zetas enforcer),日本极道稻川会成员(Yakuza Inagawa-kai),非洲塞拉利昂叛军战士(Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone),FBI通缉的头号死囚,和一个连环杀人犯。Adrien的角色在片中既没有给出自己的姓名,也没有透露自己的背景。不过片中的以色列人,也是唯一的女角色,说他应该是该行干雇佣兵的前特种兵。逆境让一行人团结起来,合力寻找离开这片雨林的路。很快,他们发现,这里并不是地球上的任何原始森林,而是某个外星球。紧接着,他们遭到了未知生物的攻击。很快,捕食者们显形了:他们的能量武器可以瞬间把人降解成一滩血肉;他们的隐形装置能让自己与猎物近在咫尺而不暴露;他们的速度和灵活可以穿越布满陷阱的危险地带;而且捕食者力大无比,人远远不是对手。Adrien同学很快明白了:整个星球是个庞大的狩猎场,而他们是捕食者精心挑选的猎物。他们几个人被选中,完全是因为他们代表了人类社会最擅长杀人的人。捕食者们希望在猎取人同时强化自己的战斗技能。身边的同伴一个个倒在捕食者刀枪下,Adrien却在暗中琢磨如何返回地球……
整个电影动作片成分占了绝大部分。虽说剧情背景如此阴暗,但如果说写剧本的想引起人们思考什么,那绝对是不可能的。满分10分的话我给它打个7分。主要靠剧中人物的“真实性”。虽说这是个科幻片,讨论真实不真实有些可笑,可我还是要说几点。首先,剧中的人物比观众聪明。受过训练的特种兵,杀手和战士都精通杀人招数。作为被捕杀者,他们能够很快识破捕食者用以捕杀他们的伎俩。某个角色通常会解释捕食者为何如此如此,然后女狙击手会问他如何知道。解释的这个人会说:“因为我如果是猎手我会这么做”,或者“我以前就这么杀过人”。跟杂牌军相比以色列国防军的狙击手反而显得无比菜鸟,除了扣动扳机什么都不懂。大部分观众就像这个女兵,被蒙在鼓里直到有人指点才恍然大悟。由于角色们的平均智商比较高,他们每人都有很多不上银幕的小动作。因此,剧中时常出现没有任何前提而突然发生的现象。Adrien说“the sun hasnt moved since we got here”,给人感觉是“WTF?”以色列兵对周围发生的事不知情,却一眼就认出了捕食者。原来以色列军人可以随便偷看军事档案,像wikileak对阿富汗战争了如指掌。她看的资料提到美国特种部队1987年在Guatemala的一次任务中被捕食者猎杀,说的是1987年的第一部《Predator》电影的情节。FBI通缉的死囚不知何时偷偷穿上了捡来的防护背心。他背上挨了一炮都没死。可是之前剧中说防护背心只能用来屏蔽体热从而让捕食者发现不了。既然捕食者看不见他,那一炮,最不该被打的就是这个死囚。日本稻川会成员在逃跑过程中突然停下了,他要与来敌决斗。在这里还能看出好莱坞对日本武士道的神化。日本黑帮抽出武士刀,与佩带合金钢爪的捕食者大战三百回合,最终以平手告终。既然解决一个捕食者只需要牺牲一个日本武士,那么如果剧中所有的人都改行当武士的话,这八个人有大半可以活着回家。日本的铁匠也太敬业了。日本钢刀不仅可以开膛破肚,还能挡住未来金属爪的切削。死得最冤的是Lawrence Fishbourne(The Matrix里面的Morpheus)演的Noland,一个流落在行星上多年的老兵。此人亲手解决过好几个捕食者,他想尽了一切办法活下去。 Noland为了能得到更多的武器甚至想暗算我们的主人公。而Predator出现时,他随便一炮就被打死了,没有任何特技动作。剧中唯一的大腕影星所占戏份不过五分钟,看来导演把工资都花在建造这个行星上面了。虽然以色列女兵脑子不好使,她说了全片两句最有哲理的话。一句是“我们被魔鬼选到这个行星上来,是因为我们在人类社会就是杀人无数的魔鬼”,另一句是“敌人的敌人并不一定是你的朋友”。对于电影的结尾,我还是比较满意的。至少导演没给设个 “happily ever after”,那样的话就没法看了。
一本正经的雇佣兵终于说出了自己的名字:Royce;以色列女兵告诉他:My name is Isabelle。剩下的两人与最后的黑色大捕食者对决。无奈对方太强壮了,Isabelle被长矛钉在了地上,Royce被打得满脸是血。黑色捕食者伸出钢爪,准备砍下Royce的头……就在这时,Isabelle的手枪响了。黑色捕食者的胸膛被大口径子弹穿透!Royce乘这个机会,甩掉自己的刽子手。他抬头向天上望去,血色的天空中绽放开一朵朵白色的降落伞:后面的一批猎物又到了。他像天空伸出双手。每只手的手背上纹了一颗六芒星。他想起了儿时在 Auschwitz度过的地狱,向远方的耶和华祈祷……
空中有个没有张开的降落伞。一个黑点从天而坠,在Isabelle视野中越来越大。轰的一声,天空赠与的不明物体砸在刚刚爬起来的捕食者身上,把他拍扁了。地上只剩下了一滩绿色的血肉。Royce定睛一看,耶和华下赠的救命法宝,竟然是一台钢琴。他坐下来,为了感激上苍的恩赐,弹奏起肖邦的《Andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante》。曲终,Royce搀扶起倒在地上的Isabelle,看着远方落地的降落伞,说:“答令,我们找个途径离开这个星球!”
fredag 30 juli 2010
Dominic Cobb,职业:the Extractor,盗梦者。Cobb由Leonardo DiCaprio扮演。两个孩子的父亲,妻子自杀。依靠给跨国公司盗窃商业情报为生。手段是通过目标在做梦时侵入对方防御薄弱的潜意识拿走重要信息。
Ariadne,the Architect,造梦者,也就是萝利。Ariadne这个名字来源于古希腊神话。神话中的Ariadne是一位公主,太阳神的外孙女。她曾协助英雄Theseus屠杀为害当地多年的牛头巨怪。造梦者的任务是构造一个梦境的大环境。进入梦境的人会用自己潜意识的镜像填充这个场景。如果造梦者建造了座城市,那么街头行走的路人就是进入做梦人的潜意识。Cobb传授萝利如何造梦,让她把梦境中的整个城市对折过来。这样一来梦境与现实相比太假了,做梦者的潜意识能明白过来是在做梦,而且是别人设计的梦。潜意识的自然反应是驱逐不速之客。后来梦中的行人(潜意识的化身)攻击Ariadne,把她一刀捅醒。
Arthur,the Point Man,“抢点者”,也就是人们说的小帅。Point man的意思是军队里面抢点的先锋兵。他要在战友冲锋之前进行火力侦察这项最危险的任务。Arthur在电影中负责调查目标人物的背景。这组人执行任务时刚刚进入Fischer梦境就遭到了枪击。Arthur事先没有得知Fischer受过另一个盗梦者的训练,他的潜意识自卫能力很强。Fischer梦境中的行人已经不是路人甲,而是实枪荷弹的雇佣兵。这一失策不能不说是Arthur的失职。
Saito,the Tourist,参观者。这位由渡边谦扮演的日本公司总裁是个看客。他雇佣Cobb一行人入侵对手公司继承人的梦境,为了确定任务的完成,他跟随Cobb进入梦境协助并监视他。Saito在梦中被打死,陷入梦境地狱(Limbo),潜意识的最深处。
Robert Fisher,the Mark,“标点”。跨国能源集团的继承人,此人是盗梦者们的目标。所有人的技能和精力都汇聚在他的潜意识里,他是个方面能力汇集的焦点。
Eames,the Forger,变形者。他能在梦中假扮任何人的身份,包括目标人物的教父。剧中的打戏也几乎都是他的。
Mal Cobb,the Shade,“魅影”。Cobb已故的妻子。剧中能看见的是Cobb潜意识里对她留下的镜像。也就是说她的行为不代表真人的性格。Cobb对Mal施行inception造成了Mal的自杀。对Cobb来说,Mal的死是打击最大的失败。在Cobb的愧疚及负罪感作用下,我们看到的这个Mal是一个心魔,她代表Cobb对失败的恐惧和自我能力的怀疑。显而易见,这个心魔使尽解数干扰Cobb盗梦,说到底,还是Cobb对自己的质疑在干扰自己。
Yusuf,the Chemist,药剂师。他提炼的药物能使人处于深度梦境状态。这个深度梦境和深度睡眠不一样,因为做梦是在浅度睡眠的REM阶段。那种状态的眼球会快速转动。在Yusuf的药物作用下,梦中被杀死的人不会惊醒,而是陷入更深层的梦境,直到最深层的Limbo,梦境地狱。演药剂师的印度演员已经在两部大片里上演配角了。上一部是在《Avatar》里他演给男一号暗中提供情报的科学家。
第一层梦境Yusuf坐主场。梦境的设计者是Ariadne。Fischer刚刚进去就被Saito和Arthur绑架。与此同时,Fischer的潜意识开始抵抗,他的持枪保安们打伤了Saito。至于马路上那条火车,那是Cobb的潜意识不小心溜进去了(他曾跟他老婆在同一火车下自杀)。等到众人安度下Fischer和Saito之后,Eames装扮成Fischer的教父Peter Browning,与Fischer交谈。这里发生的是Inception的第一步:引起目标的好奇和怀疑。假教父提到Fischer的父亲在办公室保险箱里留存了一份只有Fischer能看到的密文,大意是授权Fischer把公司分解成几小块。要知道,Fischer跟父亲的关系很差。他爸临终前跟Fischer说了一句话。Fischer只听见了“失望”一词。从这判断,他能猜出老爹说的不是什么好话。对他恨之入骨的父亲竟然还给他留了一份特殊遗愿,如果我是Fischer我也想知道这遗愿说什么。时间紧迫,Arthur逼着Fischer交出保险柜密码。Fischer说不知道,Arthur就让他说出脑子里第一个想起的六位数。这个六位数成了第二层梦境的关键和第三层开启保险柜的密码。
好的,Cobb进入第二层梦境,留下Yusuf开车,执行唤醒众人的“the kick”。这里有个窍门:如果想要知道梦境是谁的可以看看其他人进入更深层梦境时留下来的那个人。道理很简单:如果这个梦是我的,我还进入更深层的梦,那我之前的梦就要土崩瓦解了。不过此处有个漏洞:Cobb口口声声说第三层梦境是Fischer的,而Fischer在第三层被Mal打死了。这么来看第三层梦境应该是Eames(变形者)的,也就是假的Peter Browning。
第二层梦境,Arthur做东。为了加快任务进程,Cobb和Arthur选择了Mr. Charles这套战术。Cobb在梦中接近Fischer,声称自己是Charles先生,一位Fischer梦里保护他的潜意识镜像。同时,为了解除Fischer的心防,Cobb成功地让Fischer以为自己的潜意识保安们是Browning派来绑架他的盗梦者,而Cobb一行人才是Fischer的潜意识镜像。这样一来,Fischer的清醒意识与潜意识为敌,心理防御骤减,由此打开了进入第三层梦境的大门。Cobb把Eames扮的假教父押到Fischer面前。这个假教父承认自己派人绑架Fischer,为了阻止Fischer听从那份遗愿解散跨国集团。Cobb要求Fischer对教父实行以彼之道还治彼身,用Browning携带的梦境器材入侵Browning的潜意识,去看看那份遗愿到底说的啥。回过头来,Cobb又对Arthur说他们其实要进入Fischer的潜意识安插解散公司的想法,但还要让Fischer以为这是Browning的梦境。说是Browning,其实是Eames。从后面Fischer被杀和Eames的举动来看,第三层梦境还真是Eames的。这是本片唯一的漏洞。
在梦境中被打死的Fischer进入了更深一层的Limbo。萝利建议Cobb和她进入Limbo寻找Fischer。而原先进入过第四层梦境的只有一个人,就是Cobb。所以,第四层梦境是Cobb的主场。在第四层,Cobb终于揭露了Mal的死因。Cobb曾经在Mal活着的时候两人共享梦境。他们挖掘到各自梦境的最深处,那里时间流动的很慢。(按剧本,人在深度梦境中大脑运转快,感觉上度过的几年是现实的几分钟)他们在梦境中过了几十年,直到白头到老。Mal不想离开梦幻世界。Cobb为了说服她,第一次尝试了Inception:他给Mal植入一个想法,那就是“你所在的世界是虚幻的,死亡是唯一的出路”。此后Mal听从了Cobb的游说,二人躺在铁轨上自杀从而离开了梦境。可是令Cobb没有想到的是,这个被植入的想法存留在Mal脑海里,直到Mal以为现实世界也是一个梦境,为了试图觉醒而再次自杀。Mal死前留下足够证据令警方怀疑Cobb是杀手。Cobb从此被迫离家。由于Cobb经常把Mal压在潜意识深处,第四层的Mal比先前更加来势汹汹。Cobb面对自己的心魔,终于说出了“你不是我的妻子,你只是我脑海里的愧疚”。此刻,Cobb终于摆脱了精神束缚。他让萝利带领Fischer回到第三层完成任务,自己留下寻找死在梦境,迷失在Limbo的Saito。Fischer在第三层复活,进入密室,看到了保险柜中存留的想法,Inception成功。Eames,Arthur,Yusuf同时在三个层面启动“the kick”,除了Cobb和Saito以外的所有人都返回了第一层梦境。后来Cobb找到了Saito。
onsdag 21 juli 2010
The stagnant phase of a transition
When I could choose to stay at Cornell as a transfer and pay the skyrocketing tuition fee (37 grand per year, USD), or going back to Sweden to finish my degree, I chose the latter. Staying meant responsibility. I couldn't go through with all the pressure of seeking financial support outside my family and standing totally on my own. One year stateside didn't give me that much confidence. Coming back to Sweden was more or less a compromise, a realistic decision. However, just like I was afraid of, so far, this country doesn't offer me as much as America.
I remember the first week I went to work. I knew some people there since 2008. Immediately I felt that talking to my colleagues wasn't that easy. When I started working for David B. Wilson, the first day I went to his lab I got to know everybody. People approached me to ask me what I was doing, where I came from, etc. This time, nobody did that. Whenever I tried to approach people, the responses I got weren't that positive either. I guess the reason I felt this way was because I just came back from the American culture. If I didn't leave Sweden on exchange, I'd consider their behavior perfectly normal. These days when most of my coworkers are on vacation, almost all the offices are empty. To be honest, some days I don't get a lot of chance to talk to people. Instead, I'm focusing on the little project I'm doing.
With this experience, I don't really picture myself being a corporate guy in Sweden. I'd rather spend my days in an American college. For the past weeks, I've worked til quite late. Since I get paid for every hour I stay in my office, I don't mind working some extra hours. After all, my mission here is to make as much money as I can, to offset the expenses I had from traveling. The cost is, sometimes the days get boring. I go out to work in the morning, I come back. In the evening there is not much time to do anything but eating, reading, chatting and sleeping. This means I only get to hang out with my friends on weekends. There are not many places to go to. Before leaving for Uppsala, I never went out in Linköping. If somebody asked me where to hang out then I can't answer. To cut it short, this month of my life has entered some kind of phase where "change" is a luxury.
Before I had a discussion with my Cornell friends on horoscope and personality. I turned out to be a typical Sagittarius. I set up numerous targets in my life, aiming at them one by one; I flow with or become the wind of change. What's happening to me right now, I can't stand it. There's gotta be a way out.
So today, after my work, I stopped by at Campushallen, or the university gym. I purchased an monthly membership that allowed me access to all venues. Tonight I'm pumping some iron! Suddenly, I recalled a quote I read in a book: "since you can't change everything around you, work within the circles of things you can change; with time, your circle will expand and cover the things you couldn't do anything about earlier". Next time you hear someone complaining there's nothing he can do about his life, call his bluff. You can always work out in the gym and stay fit, even if all else fails.
måndag 12 juli 2010
晚上,我们一行人回Von Cramm看了《The Wolfman》。几个爷们说话没遮拦,上来就问如果狼人上了片中女主角,生下来的崽子是狼还是人?Cynthia只好装没听见。电影结束后我回屋打包,朋友们在一旁帮忙。男生们翻出了我买的APB光碟,又是一阵骚动。Keenan对此事看得很开,他说我是铸造一把新的PUA武器。三点半,Nino从Collegetown一路走来道别。等到客人们都回家时,已经是四点了。我的大巴凌晨七点启程,我在床上躺了半小时,觉得实在睡不着。可能是归家之旅前的兴奋,也可能是白天那一大杯Mate latte的咖啡因。于是起床。上网看信,发信,检查机票车票都在。楼上的Natalie每天四五点钟出去观鸟。可惜那天没有。我也就没跟她道别。凌晨六点,我最后走遍了楼里所有的走廊和公共房间。这毕竟是我最近十个月的家啊。我记得第一个学期我一点都不喜欢这个宿舍。因为嫌人太少,你就是跟一两个人谈不来都很别扭。幸好几个令我不爽的家伙搬出去了,剩下的我一人就能摆平。第二学期,我在Von Cramm住得舒服到不想搬走的程度。可我还是要离开了。我到楼下,打开了通往后院的大门。猜猜谁在那里?住在我们后院的土拨鼠Chimi!我今年很少看见他,想必是因为睡懒觉。Chimi奇怪地看看我,觉得不安全,溜了。这就是再见了。
最后一个跟我说过话的Crammie是宿舍管事Stephanie,按条例她要收走我的钥匙。她也是我最后说道别的人了。我把五十公斤的行李分成两个箱,一手一个往坡上的Baker Flagpole拽。二百多米的上坡路我歇了四回才到头。天,已经大亮了。外面是阴雨。我想起十一月底去纽约见Selina天公也没给笑脸。那时候我还挺担心公车突然被取消而走不成。裹挟着雨点的寒风吹来,我拿出了红底白字的Cornell外套,穿在Cornell Engineering的T恤外。十个月前来到Cornell的时候,我是个nobody;离去的时候,我想骄傲地称自己是个Cornellian。上车的那一刻,我脑子里不由地想起一句话:
Newark Liberty国际机场与来时一模一样,包括游弋于机场屋檐下的来自世界各地的人。在托运行李排队时,身边的一个墨西哥游客突然用西班牙语问我话,我只好用英语回答说我不讲西班牙语。他看上去很友好,要不是语言不通,我肯定会跟他聊起来。等到进入了候机厅,耳边的瑞典语猛然间多起来了。说了一年英语和中文,我感觉有些听不惯瑞典语这个“乡音”。看到身边一个个金发碧眼的瑞典人,我没有丝毫兴奋。当初来美国对我来说是步入一个未知世界。在美国我要寻找新的开始,打出一片新的天下。回瑞典则更像撤退。我知道瑞典有什么,和没有什么。在瑞典,我身边鲜有能在intellect,emotion,humor层面上与我同等的挚友。在美国,这样的人却不少见。跟我朝夕相处的美国朋友们,我每天都能从他们那里学到很多关于人生和世界的新事物。身为射手座,我最不能容忍的就是循规蹈矩。美国是个自由世界,瑞典对我来说,则象征着一成不变。归途带来的,更多是忐忑不安。虽然我在美国坚信“决定命运的是性格,而不是环境”,可瑞典毕竟不同。我到底能不能把美国给我的自信和霸气带回北欧呢?
tisdag 4 maj 2010
解读Asian Playboy,世界第一的亚裔把妹专家

在全世界的几个大城市里,都隐藏著由几个男人为首所组成的地下夜生活团体“诱惑小组(seduction lair)”,这些人自诩为“把妹艺术家”(pickup artists),各个身怀绝技,各有一套把妹的门道与理论,并把每次的泡妞行动化为文字贴到讨论区与网友们分享,讨论最新的把妹技巧和战术。此学科简称泡学。
几年前,Neil Strauss(此人是第一代把妹高手中的佼佼者)出版过一本畅销书,“The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-Up Artists”,首次揭露了把妹团体的存在。不久,美国电视台VH1拍播了真人秀,“The Pick-Up Artist”,由世界第一的把妹高手Mystery(又称迷男)传授十位年轻处男把妹技巧,从中选出一位得意门生,将其训练成为令女性无可抗拒的一流把妹艺人。尽管有媒体的轮番轰炸,真正的把妹艺术家隐蔽地活动,他们的招数和技巧只能被同行人识破。他们大多数时间依靠化名来掩盖自己的真实身份。在这个灯红酒醉的夜生活背景下,他们如同昔日的Casanova,用迷妹当作自己的精神动力。
越南裔的Jerry Tran,化名Asian Playboy(简称APB)出生在美国德州。在成为职业性把妹专家前,他曾经在弗罗里达理工学院(Florida Institute of Technology)攻习宇宙航天工程学。“当我大学毕业,搬到加州时才发现,我的社交能力惨不忍睹。”他说,“所以,我决定用实际行动来改变这一切。”
在互联网上,Tran找到了Erik von Markovik,也就是化名Mystery(迷男)的第一代高手。迷男组织过训练营:连续几天从傍晚到凌晨,学生们先是在教室里倾听迷男解剖把妹技巧,邻近午夜时分跟随把妹高手进入夜店现场实践。报名参加迷男的训练营是成为把妹艺人的第一步。不过真正的技术飞跃是来自训练营结束后的几星期,这段时间被人戏称为“初学者地狱”。
上面讲的是四年前的Asian Playboy(APB)。从那之后,他的名望一跃而起,成为了一代大师级的把妹专家。同时,他开办了一家公司,出售自己发明的一套把妹系统,“ABCs of Attraction”。现在的APB周游世界,开办训练营,带领亚裔和各国少数民族男性征服夜场所。在2007年的好莱坞全球泡学峰会上,他被人一致选为“世界第一的亚裔把妹艺人”。

Tran提到所有泡学的精髓,与物化女人有很大关联。这是他唯一的痛楚。泡学系统教导男人们如何利用女人的心理弱点接近并降服她们。“这一学说的很多事物带有对女性的歧视。” Tran交代,“我尽量以身作则,不做些伤害人的事情。但同时,我不传授社会伦理学,我的学生们如何运用这套技术,这完全要看他们。”
大家大概很容易猜到:反对APB的群体大有人在。“有很多亚裔组织仇恨我,尤其是亚裔女权运动。她们对我恨之入骨。从性文化来看,亚洲是唯一一个女人性权利超过男人的地方。” Tran说。
最后,Asian Playboy指出:“我对女人从来不撒谎。”每次他邀请献给女人的,只是“一段愉快的时光”。
训练营的最后一晚,在旅店楼顶的夜总会里,Asian Playboy背对着吧台,偷偷观摩自己新招来的一帮得意门生。他的把妹系统的效用无需置疑:学生们都充满自信地游动着整个房间,与一组组外表引人入胜,事业蒸蒸日上的女人们亲切交谈。这里金发女郎,黑发女子,应有尽有。
söndag 25 april 2010
Random thoughts
The definition of winning has two parts, the first is achieving your objective; the second is beating others.
The average person's frustration of not winning, or the fear of losing, comes mostly from the second part. Nobody wants to be beaten by someone else. The mentality of why losing is so bad is deeply rooted in our mind during our upbringing. Which is especially true for Asian cultures. The interesting part is, most often our parents never told us the direct consequences of losing, other than getting slapped. When we were kids, we were told to never lose. What happens if you lose a game of soccer in primary school? Nothing. What if you win? Nothing happens either. It's probably because playing soccer is a zero-sum game, one team's gain inevitably becomes the other team's loss.
If you want to become a winner, the second definition is not what you need. A true winner is someone who has the victory in his heart, never getting discouraged by cosmetic losses that bring no intrinsic harm. Even when a crowd is yelling "FAILLLL!" at him, his passion remains burning. This person knows what he wants. The world today has too many tempting offers, way more than what's good for your mental health. Making one choice always come with various opportunity costs. Knowing who you are, what you truly want, only that will help you stand your ground when the earth crumbles beneath other people's feet. And beware, there are people out there who intentionally make you feel bad so they can feel better about themselves. Acting cocky is a common way employed by insecure people to hide their lack of confidence. Next time another jokester wants to pick on you, tell him to GO FUCK HIMSELF.
With a strong mind comes strong will of action. Saying things is not enough, doing things is necessary; having the knowledge is inadequate, knowing how to apply the knowledge is the winner's way. On your journey towards winning, you will run into vairous obstacles. One is called cowardice, it takes away your ability of doing what you should, and laughs at you. The other is idiocy, not knowing who you are and what you want, some shady figure that puts you on the wrong path in your life, and when you realize what you've done, it's too late. A third one is called sloth, it drains your energy, turning you into a powerless wimp. A fourth one is envy, it puts your eyes on what other people have, letting you forget what you want. And the other ones? Nah I don't even bother to mention them one by one.
Don't focus on the wordplay known as "failure", because there is no such thing. Even if you don't achieve your objective, the process of getting there is rewarding enough. With it comes experience. Without the so-called "failure" there can be no growth. Oh by the way, whenever you encounter somebody who's thinking in terms of failure, I advice you to keep your distance. Keep your intent strong in your head, vague through your words, and assertive through your actions, a balance that is mastered with experience. Remove all obstacles. If one of your best friend is messing up your chance of getting what you want, remain friend with him but don't bring him along to your conquest.
When we were young, our parents taught us, everything has a price.
The food you eat, clothes you wear cost you money. Driving a car costs you gasoline. Eating nothing, the price you pay is hunger and malnourishment. Eating too much, the price is obesity. In short, no matter what you do, you end up paying something.
If you expand the concept further, even the non-materialistic things come with their prices.
When we were kids, mother said: "You are such a good kid! Mommy love you!"
What we heard is: love is conditional. Being a good kid means being loved by your parents. It's equivalent to: the only way you can be loved by your parents is being a good kid.
At home, the elderly in our family said: "Study hard, attend a prestigious university. Then you'll be something."
It means, only by admitted into an elite university, you become special. Otherwise you are nobody.
In school, the teachers told us: "Study hard so you can find a good job. Only then you can live happily ever after."
So happiness comes with a job, and the price you pay for getting one is taking your time studying.
When we finally got a job, our boss commanded us: "Work slave! Work! If you work hard then you can get your salary. If you have money then you can get married and have kids."
What they are trying to say is, if you want to enjoy the life of a family man, you need to work like a mindless drone. The love of your soul mate has its price.
In the end, we finally realize that we've been had.
Even with degree and job, family, money, happiness and satisfaction won't always come along. What we seek have always eluded us. In our despair, we try harder. Some people work overtime to earn that extra money they believe will do the trick. Some people devote their whole life in a career, hoping one day they'll get a promotion and be content. But they are wrong. Some have worked to their last breathe, others keep seeking until they can't go on anymore. The modern man is a jaded man. Burdened by responsibilities oozing from every direction, barely standing on his own feet.
The fact they never perceived is, those things they seek are not conditional. Love is not conditional; happiness is not conditional; living a content life should've never been made conditional. You don't need reasons to love someone and be loved. People with job can feel they should be happy for having a job. But even people without a real job can enjoy life.
Happiness doesn't come from having a job, a family, wealth, or even the most basic requirements for a good life. Happiness is there as long as you want it, and find it among even the smallest pleasures in your life. Like taking a beer with your friends and telling some joke, or playing a song for the person you like most. Before, my parents always criticized our poor relatives for being uneducated and deprived of ambition. They lived in poverty but remained content nevertheless. Years passed, my parents don't point my relatives the fingers anymore. I guess even an university professor can learn a lot about life from an average laborer. This professor happens to be my mom.
It reminded me of a story I read: one American Harvard student and one Mexican fisherman were talking about life. The American said he would finish first in his class. He'll work on Wall Street, accumulate some wealth and fortune. Once the retirement is here, he'll buy a house on an island in the Caribbean, drinking all night long next to a bonfire, playing a banjo and surround himself with beautiful girls. The Mexican said: man, this is how I live my life every day!
Do you hear me? If you want to live a life in paradise, you don't have to live through hell to get there. Never.
torsdag 15 april 2010
onsdag 31 mars 2010
人在处于当局者这个角色是,往往看不清事实。有时是因为利益所在,逼得你千方百计地思考如何能收回最大成本;有时是一种wishful thinking,让你不想去接受和面对眼前的事实。总之,每每当一个人离开了江湖或官场后,暮然回首的一刹那才会大彻大悟。
美国的文化,其实与中国当代文化极其相似,与欧洲文化却不相同。美国人的经典概念是美国梦:只要你流够了汗,出够了力,那你方可以成为人上人。MC 歌手 Jay-Z 描述纽约生活的歌曲,Empire State of Mind 也唱过:if I can make it here I can make it anywhere,如果我能在纽约市得到成功,那我在哪里都是成功人士。纽约文化是一种优胜劣汰的演变产物。这种氛围充满了对强者的崇拜与对弱者的不屑。康奈尔在上个月有三个工程院学生跳崖自杀。抛开一切外界因素,在我看来根本原因就是课业太重。而校领导唯一所做的就是在校园桥梁上安装铁丝网,呼吁学生们见心理师。这种治表不治里的方法管不管用还需要我们拭目以待。那一周本人在fb上发过一帖,大意就是询问康奈尔工学院要死几个人才能迫使校领导减负。此言一出,立即遭到众人讨伐。身边的好友们责怪我偏激,不该认为校长及教授们要对学生的死负责。本人一向争强好胜,调过头来针锋相对地反驳回去,并问道:如果康奈尔校长要你帮忙避免学生自杀,你会怎么办?有没有比减负更好更根本的解决办法?对方哑口无言。有人接受了我的观点,但同时提出:康奈尔现有的课业负担是必要的。此说法间接地来讲就是,如果现有的课业逼得学生自杀,那康奈尔为了保证学生质量,每年靠高度压力整死几个人也是必要的。这种为了成功而经历非人的折磨,以精神健康和生命换来事业的范式,就是美国梦最露骨的表现。
这次旅行一个月前,所有的欧系国际交换生们会聚一堂,讨论春假计划。考虑过的地点有美国的加州,迈阿密,新奥尔良,Panama City,还有加勒比海的Bahamas,Dominican Republic 与古巴。最后有十一人决定去新奥尔良,三人去墨西哥,其他几个散户各走各的。去新奥尔良的有一半人买了一周的往返机票,剩下的买了四天往返。可是所有人只订了四晚的旅馆。也就是说,离开纽约之前,这些人不知道四天后住哪里。我们一行人没有参观多少景点。新奥尔良有个著名的法国区,这个区的 Bourbon Street 是人们娱乐的场所。沿街所处放眼望去,酒吧,夜总会,餐馆,以及色情场馆应有尽有。我们没有一晚不去法国区,没有一晚不喝醉。第一天出去时两个男生在酒吧勾搭上一对当地的姐妹。两个女孩是典型的路易斯安那白人,有法国血统。这哥俩那一晚上就给人家当情人去了。那晚还有三个哥们去看脱衣舞,一个喝醉了的给舞女塞了钞票之后竟然要她找零钱。舞女当然不给。我在此之前从来没有玩得这么开心过。这个春假之行有很多疯狂的故事可讲。
我们周六到达新奥尔良,周三晚上就没处可住了。众人一商量,决定:租辆车来个road trip, 至于往东走还是往西走,以投币决定。东边可以穿过 Mississippi 和 Alabama 两个州,去佛罗里达的Panama City;西边穿越路易斯安那,进入德州。投币结果:往西走。我们最远走到了德州的休斯敦。后来我仔细一想,如果我事先知道要去休斯敦,那在看到休斯敦城市的一瞬间就不会如此兴奋了。事先不知,反而赐予了人们探险者的感官以及发现“宝藏”的快感。在丰田中心前与奥拉朱旺的雕塑合影留念时,我说我做梦都没有想到会有这一天。回到 Ithaca 的寒舍,照片没几张,见识倒是长了。
最重要的一点,那就是欧洲人的世界观。西欧和北欧国家比较富裕,社会体系保障很好。年轻人们不光有人生第一次机会,还有第二次,第三次,甚至是第四次。对于欧洲人来说,Life is a web of endless opportunities,生命是无限的机会所编织成的网络。年轻时不懂事,走了歪路,社会不嫌弃你而允许你改过自新。瑞典大学如果因为疏忽而录取一名服刑满役的杀人犯,也不能以此人是杀人犯做借口开除此人。在美国及亚洲,那些仅有的第一次机会还不能够满足所有人的需求,那也不需要考虑不存在的第二次机会了。你可以说这就是为什么死刑在这类国家比较容易被人接受的原因:白养一个囚犯不如赏他一颗子弹。欧洲人在众多选择余地面前,往往不会着急。很多年轻人在高中毕业后不局限自己的专业,而是先工作一两年,旅游一两年,等到感觉自己足够了解自己了,明白自己是谁,想要什么之后再进入象牙塔深造。欧洲人工作是为了活着,上学是为了能找到好一点的工作从而更好地活着。这跟我们投币决定旅行路线是一个道理:因为选择多所以有些无所谓。既然怎么走都行,那干脆让巧合来决定。在欧洲外的某些国家,人们活着是为了工作。我在康奈尔的一个丹麦朋友过着花花公子一般的生活。他高中毕业后打了一年工,暑假甚至是一天两班,在短时间内聚积了一笔可观的数目。他用这笔钱去45个国家旅游。按他的说法,从欧洲去泰国越南这类地方,虽然机票不便宜,但只要一落地,生活开销就比欧洲小很多。每天5美元便可活得像个土皇帝。他白天参观景点,晚上进入娱乐场所喝酒或是找个伙伴过夜。凭他“北欧版布拉德皮特”的相貌,此人在哪里都可屡屡得手。我第一次见到他时他给我的印象是:此人潇洒,自信程度高得绝无仅有,他也才22岁。此人大学本科专业是自然资源管理,因为他那时候比较理想化,很想毕业后拯救热带雨林。现在他已经是个不折不扣的实用主义者,本科后,他跟我说,要去考商学院。作为一个现代男人,如果事业有成并且还能顾及到儿女情长,这样的人生已经让很多人羡慕了。在欧洲人眼里,这并不是难事。活着是一个事实,既然人活着,那干脆让自己活得舒服点。人工作是为了挣钱从而可以消费。上学是为了以后能找到好一点的工作从而促进消费能力,以及快乐程度。美国人和亚洲人走得远到与这条准则背道而驰的程度了:拼命找到好工作,拼命上好学校,倾家荡产地给孩子提供学费,然后把挣来的钱积攒起来,没有任何时间和精力去享受自己的劳动成果。等到人老了,退休了才发现:钱是随时可以挣的,青春和健康却一去不返了。到那时已经来不及吃后悔药。
这次旅行后,我看自己是一个亚洲裔欧洲人,我有选择的权利。我可以选择想亚洲人那样兢兢业业地创造生活,也可以选择一个欧洲人的道路,轰轰烈烈地享受生活。回到家的这几天,我从来没有像现在这样感觉自己如此欧洲化。既然亚洲学生的终极本领是学习和应付考试,他们需要的是学会怎么玩。在这方面,薄瓜瓜是个英雄人物。我接下来要走的第一步就是:回到康奈尔,开始玩!Ithaca 的酒吧夜总会,你们等着我的大驾光临吧。
söndag 28 mars 2010
A few thoughts on the recent Cornell suicides.
I don't know what you think about it, I myself have a few opinions regarding Cornell's suicides. I'm from Sweden. For that reason, my suggestions may sound radical to some of you. Then again if they don't appease you, please take them as jokes.
In Swedish universities, the students decide. The relation between the officials of an university and the students are like salesmen and customers. Everything can be purchased for a price, even education. This is especially true since private schools like Cornell demand a high tuition fee. However, in Sweden, if your sellers are doing bad, you have the right to complain, sue them and put them out of their business. The latter part is more or less unheard of in US. If a Swedish professor mistreats the students (e.g. by making the exams impossible), he/she better start looking for a new job, cause it won't take long before the "customers" rebel and put the "salesperson" out of business. Ultimately, since the professors are the ones giving out the grades, the Swedish system has devised strategies to prevent the professors from abusing their power. There are rules limiting the number of exams you can take per week. If students fail an exam, the professors are obliged to write make-up exams, at least in one year since the first exam taken. In each major program the student body help deciding the outline of the major curriculum, suggesting which classes should be taught first, which extracurricular classes are good to take, etc. What you get is a liberal and democratic academic environment. In Cornell, I've only heard Student Assembly struggling to place more trash cans and vending machines on campus. In my opinion, this is not what they should be doing.
Since I'm from Sweden, I have never been "imprinted" to worship the professors like the kids in US and Asia. A few weeks ago I posted a comment on facebook, implying that Cornell president and the professors are partially responsible for the incidents. Moments later, a few of my good friends challenged my opinion. Most of them used hypothetical arguments, e.g. it's wrong to blame a person's suicide on another person, or accusing the college officials is out of line. One of them even said the weather was to blame. When I asked them to come up with suggestions of how you can prevent the suicides, their vivid defense arguments fall short and all of them said "oh god I don't know/oh god I never thought about it". The guy who blamed the weather was smart enough to not say that we should build a weather control in Ithaca.
To me and my fellow European exchange students, the answer is simple: when president David Skorton is urging people to seek help at counseling, he's solving the problem from the wrong end. Making people seek help is never as good as removing the necessity of seeking help. In Sweden we have universities located in desolate places like Ithaca. In Sweden the weather is even worse than in upstate New York. The Swedish universities are no Ivy League. But at least our students never kill themselves. There is a correlation between workload-related stress level and suicides. MIT has long had a higher suicide rate than the national average. Cornell's suicides come from the Engineering School. Do you notice something there?
What surprised me was that so many of my friends see the high workload and stress level at Cornell as justified, despite the deaths. This paradigm is more like "unless Cornell has a lethal amount of workload, or it will never keep up its reputation". It's true that other factors do play a role. Relationship issues and family issues all come into the picture somehow. I have to argue that. Cornell is known as the Ivy League school that is easiest to get in, but hardest to get out. The freshmen kids who left their home for the first time are hardly prepared to live with both isolation and academic stress. I once tried to help a friend in civil engineering with his MATLAB project. To my surprise, the difficulty of that homework is comparable to my final project in Java-programming. This guy had no prior experience in programming, so he was toast. The only thing that could help him was making him understand the overall concepts of programming. He needed to take a break, let his brain process the overwhelming amount of information, and finally "click", like how it worked for me. But in this situation, my friend was too stressed to let it happen. I thought, even if I get such a program as homework, I probably can't finish it on time. The compiling and debugging is just too time-consuming. At one point, I look into his eyes. God, I could read angst, stress and anxiety in his eyes. He looked like a rabbit chased by wolves. If you have to deal with this kind of stress everyday, how can it not make you crazy?
This chart is how I see it happening:
high tuition + too many difficult classes
--> low grades + bad career prospect + little time for other things
--> life issues (relationship, lack of social competence, payback of loans, finding good job)
--> more issues
--> nervous breakdown
Practically, there are many things you can do. Most of them involve more professor participation in student consideration.
Make the final week into two or more weeks, opening up alternative time slots for final exams to increase the time gap between each exam, thus spreading out the high stress level at the end of each semester.
Systematically remove the hardest problem on any exam, extend the exam hours. Make sure that at least half of the students can actually finish answering all the questions. It happened to me in BEE 3500 that nobody finished the second prelim despite some extra 30 minutes.
Put up at least a sample prelim, final and/or midterm online for every course, so the students are more confident in what they study and more confident in their ability of dealing with the exams. Ideally, if you've studied enough you should handle any exam. In reality, it's hardly the case.
Make sure the professors actually try to solve the problems before giving them out on an exam. If the professor has to correct errors in an exam paper during the exam, then he/she obviously didn't do the job.
It's true that Ithaca is desolate and the weather crappy. What the college official should be doing is compensate for that by making everybody happier. If there is anybody capable of saving the lives of innocent students, it's the president and the professors. They should use and not abuse their power.
lördag 27 mars 2010
Spring Break!
Now that I think about it, how did my companions make this trip so enjoyable? The answer is simple.
The European exchange students do not hold back on spending money. If you have traveled far enough to another city by flight or whatever, the most stupid thing you can do is not paying the money for getting into parks, going out at night, and tasting the local cuisines. I have seen people thinking that 20 euro is too expensive to get into an Aquarium in Lisbon, after paying the 200 euro flight ticket. Other people save money on buying cheap fast food all the time. Seriously, get real.
The European exchange students are all older compared the Asian and American friends I have here. With age comes life experience. My travel companions all know how to drive, how to party and have fun as if there is no tomorrow. They have all traveled the world so all of them can talk about interesting topics and stories from their trips. They got good people skill, speak a few languages, can chat up any random stranger and hold an interesting conversation for at least half a hour.
When you are traveling with the European gang, there is much room for improvisation. Before flying to New Orleans, we booked the return tickets for a week. Since nobody knew how the city would be like, we just booked the hostel for 4 nights. After the 4 nights, we felt we saw most of the Bourbon Street. And since the hostel was full so the reservation couldn't be extended, we decided to go on a road trip. After renting the car, there was a small debate of either going west or east from New Orleans. The decision was made by a coin-flip: west we go. After eating lunch in the wilderness of Louisiana next to a wild alligator and walking on the beach of Mexican gulf, another coin-flip decided that we drive to Texas. Eventually Houston. If I knew before that we'd end up in Houston anyway, I'd be less excited when seeing Houston on the horizon.
Most crucial of all, the European students have a good worldview. Living your life isn't about money, family, or power. Since being alive is a fact, what you should be doing is maximizing your joy. Life doesn't have to be enjoyed through huge successes, these things are naturally hard to come by. Life can be enjoyed through small pleasures such as taking a beer and talking about controversial topics like drinks, drugs or sex. The Europeans here know what they want, and they don't hesitate or be afraid of anything. If you know what you are doing, taking years off working as a bartender is not wrong. The money you make can be saved for travel expenses. A Danish friend here took a year off after high school. He used his saving to visit 45 countries. Whenever he gets to a place, he spends the day exploring the tourist attractions, and night to get into clubs to hook up with some local. His confidence is overwhelming. Not to say his sexual-confidence. After experiencing all the crazy things during this trip, I finally perceived the European's way of life. As an Asian-European, I will pick the best of both worlds.
lördag 13 mars 2010
zt: 韩寒关于烟草部门韩锋局长的一点文字
最近广西烟草部门韩峰局长的日记很热门,我认为在和谐和视频充满网络的年代里,突然来一些真人纯文学的描写,如沐春风。这应该是 2010年最具文学价值和社会价值的文学作品了。我看了局长日记以后,觉得我们不应该讨伐这位局长。我们假设局长日记日记是真的,我敢说这其实是一位好干 部。
1, 这位干部在半年的时间内仅仅受贿6万元,这是我近几年第一次看见受贿两次后面跟的是一个5位数,现在哪里去找这么清廉的局长。
2, 在他已玩,正玩,稳定的玩和待玩的那些床伴中,无一人属于包养性质。
3, 这位局长不赌博,不嫖娼。在公共场合办手机卡的时候按顺序排队,一排就是两个小时。
4, 在他的日记里,我们看到了一个以最小的成本在泡妞的国家干部,在其他干部都送二奶房子车子的时候,他送给自己的女人最贵重的礼品仅仅是一个手机或者一个 MP4。
5, 他应酬喝酒仅89次,我知道的大部分的村干部一年喝酒应酬都要超过365次。但是他多次喝醉,酒量一般,这点没有达到一个国家干部的要求。
6, 虽然他玩女人多次,但是陪老婆也有25次,给父亲购买手机,其中也没有发现利用职务之便给自己亲戚走过后门。
7, 他会自己安装电脑软件,爱好数码,爱好摄影,爱好体育,用微博体写日记,属于一个比较与时俱进的领导。
8, 在他的日记里,完全没有看到一个国家干部对于豪华汽车,房产奢侈品,书画古董收藏所表现出来的应有追求,甚至连个念想都没有,只是默默的玩着他的手机和电 脑。在日记里,他甚至写道,今天买了一个160元的XX耳机,真好!多么知足常乐的干部。
9, 至于工作方面……虽然尚且没有看出这位领导进行了任何的工作,但是所谓干部干部,只要干了自己的部下,也就完成了这个这个名词赋予的意义。
综 上所诉,在现有的国情下,他绝对是一个标准线以上好干部,这样的干部属于自娱自乐容易满足型,对国家和人民造成的危害是最小的。我们看到了一个仅 仅几个千把块钱就能让他乐不思蜀的国家干部,当他买了一部手机后,连续三天的日记内容都是“在家玩手机”,连女人都不玩了。在他这个位置上,比他罪大恶极 的干部多的是。我强烈的建议网名们放过这位干部,让他继续在他的工作岗位上研究他的数码产品,如果他下台了,接替他的人很可能比他对社会的危害要大很多, 唯一的区别就是人家不写日记。
-- by 韩寒
fredag 26 februari 2010
To transfer or not, that's the question...
Typically, the culture shock is represented by a U-curve: when someone arrives in a new environment, he/she will be amazed by basically, everything new. This is the honeymoon period that usually lasts a week to a month, depending on the person. The initial high is followed by a downward spiral, when the person encounters difficulties adjusting to the new home. At its worst, the bottom of this emotional fall reaches an abyss. Some call it homesick, others short-termed depression. However, as long as you hold yourself out of this pitfall, everything will be fine again. This signifies the time when the person adapts to the culture and knows how to get his/her way through.
My last semester looked like this U-curve. The first month of excitement of coming to Cornell ended in a depressed state where homework, social pressure, declining weather and the thought that most of my exchange student friends were leaving sent my mood to a record-low. Initially when I knew few people here, the lack of social activities affected my academic performance. I can be either sociable and get good grades, or getting neither. US is not what I expected it to be. When Jonas told me about his wonderful life in Cornell a year before, I believed him. As it turns out, what worked for a Swedish version of Brad Pitt doesn't necessarily work for me. The neediness of getting to know people never works in your favor. You've gotta play cool even when you can't.
This semester, I'm working in a lab, taking classes I'm really interested in, got a bunch of good friends, so I'm out of the hell. Cornell is becoming my reality. These days I just can't imagine living in Sweden again. The same thing happened when I first went to Sweden. Getting too attached to your new habitat means you forget your old home. Last year before coming to Cornell, I felt I was leaving Sweden and get a brand new start stateside. Right after coming here, I felt I was on the way of leaving again. Being a modern day nomad sucks.
So, the shocking news is: I'm considering the possibility of transferring to Cornell, stay here for another year and graduate in 2011. Since I don't want to let you down, I'm not saying I'm transferring, and I won't promise anyone anything. Yesterday I talked to Christine Potter, my exchange advisor. She said I need to take 36 credits next year and fulfill the graduation requirements. I have to figure out the latter with the faculty advisor. If I transfer I can put my home degree on hold, transferring Cornell classes back, write a thesis and get the Swedish M.S. There's nothing to lose. As for financial aid and stipend, there's no answer right now. My full tuition will be 37k USD a year. I never asked my parents' for money since 19, and I'm not gonna let them pay my tuition. If there is no scholarship, not even a token financial aid then screw it. I'm not staying. The application deadline is March 15th. Whatever is gonna happen next year will be decided.
söndag 14 februari 2010
虎年 + 情人节
今年的初一与情人节恰巧赶到一天去了。在这周六,有很多事情都凑到一起去了。冰球队Cornell Big Red要与Yale Bulldogs在Lynah Rink厮杀,大年三十CSSA在Statler Hotel举办活动,CSA在某处搞Speed Dating,就连棒子们也要过年。他们不管这个叫Chinese New Year,只是说Lunar New Year。几天我们那个废物到家的国足赠给人家三比零的大礼,棒子在气死之余要还说是Chinese的年那就太孙子了。既然人家敢说孔子是韩国人,本人建议他们学学阿Q精神,把此次失败归总于“老子被儿子打了”吧。
其实我很想去Speed Dating玩玩儿。可惜本人还要跟FantAsia唱歌,那就算了。一周前Carolle问过我这学期是不是还要留在FantAsia,我那一阵子有些犹豫,她问我的时候就干脆来个顺水推舟,说这学期没空了。不过如果小乐队演出需要一个男低音的话,我随叫随到。就这样,本人虽然quit了还是跟FantAsia藕断丝连。Carolle挺理解我,说我作为交换生应该多体验些别的事物。昨晚唱了FantAsia今年代表作,Tension的“我们的故事”。听上去总体感觉比去年中秋唱的要好,唯一的不足是我们的女Solo在开始唱得太高了。由于时间关系,我们演出的视频还没有出来。现在先放上一段去年的,同样的一首歌。那时候Hywel还在,我们两个男低音一个挑大梁,另一个助唱。Hywel不久退出了再也没回来,我就成了男低音的老大。
好了,不提FantAsia了。Yuan前几天说,一个人如果是Fresh Off the Boat(FOB),那她/他在这个社会的地位和现状会与此人在当地混的时间成正比。作为交换生,如果你跟当地人攀比的话很多方面比不过,诸如认识人的数量,朋友圈子的大小,死党的忠诚度,以及有没有那另外一口。我有时候觉得我住的Von Cramm有个很大缺陷,那就是人太少。一栋楼里三十多人,总是这几个面孔来回晃悠。如果你要跟其中有些人相处不来那就很别扭。Von Cramm的好处是,价钱便宜,活动挺多,你会跟数量较少的人很熟,而不是像住在大宿舍那样,认识人多可是相处的人少。我们楼里的主管很有可能是个同性恋。此人就是我几个月前写过的以为足球比赛场上有九个人的那个家伙。Henrik说我们宿舍比西校区好得不止一个档次,听他这话就知道此人在百步以外的西校区没有任何朋友。以后要是有人问我来Cornell住哪里好,我不会光跟他们说Von Cramm,像某些不知好歹的瑞典傻X。Maria来了一学期才得知西校区的楼里有图书馆和电脑房,打印文献不需要爬Libe Slope。她反应也忒慢了。Von Cramm就是个封闭的小群体,原先住这儿的有些人出了宿舍就没朋友了。虽然本人很讨厌宿舍主管的态度,但他有一句话说得很好:如果楼里的人把眼光向外转一下,就会发现在宿舍开会争吵是没意义的,因为俺们人民公社委员会的决定往往说服不了外界任何人。以后有交换生来康乃尔我会推荐他们去住北校区的HILC,人多气氛好外加近水楼台。
这个情人节本人就落单啦。虽然大过年的不该说些不吉利的话,可我还要说:我恨这个Ed。你不用去猜此人是谁,Ed是化名。他看见个我喜欢的妹妹就上去贴,聊了不几句就搂住人腰。操蛋的是那个妹妹情人节有约(要还他妈是Ed就得有人玩儿完),本人没排上队。老子要是香港古惑仔,非得像生蕃处置大二天那样,带上一票小弟去。No she doens't know what she's missing!各位如果看见我说这些话觉得有些怪异,请你找个没人地方撞块豆腐。或者听本人一句忠告:please come back to reality!Leo Kinmann不是圣人,更不是周润发版的孔子,有周迅那样的女友还“光曰不日”(听说他老人家到死还是个童子身,真是清高到连女人都不惜得看)。这是我的博客,你要不喜欢可以离开。
请各位再看一遍Yellow Fever:
tisdag 2 februari 2010
于是下车,找地方处理。冲进Goldwin Smith Hall 的洗手间拿纸擦。幸好只弄脏了一本书。本人用擦手纸把饭盒包起来,到下一站的Cornell Diary Bar 要了个塑料袋。解决了!接下来只需要背上饭香扑鼻的书包上课就是了。
这学期我要学拉丁舞。Dance studio 设在北校区的Helen Newman Hall,每周二九点半到十一点。今天晚餐时间我兴致勃勃地宣告所有见到的人,说这小子要飞黄腾达,进入社交界了。后来走到Newman 才发现傻X了:拉丁舞蹈下周才开课。走之前我给我的舞伴发了封短信提醒她去跳舞。我的舞伴竟然在我快到场的时候才慢条斯理地打电话跟我解释说本周没课。晕。。。可能是这两天没睡够才杯具重重。
今天和黄蕾请姚远上海鸿吃了顿饭。记得学期初有一天晚上我们三人聚在Von Cramm 的饭厅里,分享着本人买的速冻小包子,一边聊到了桃园三结义。不过我们这哥仨性格和刘关张三人差得很远。黄蕾年长,他应该算刘备。我是关羽,姚远为张飞。可惜上学期在忙碌中匆匆过去了,我们三人好像没有怎么干些特“古惑仔”的事就到了今天。而姚远明天一早就要走了。时间不饶人。也许有一天我们还会在世界某个角落相聚。
"Goodbye", says the man to Von Cramm Hall,
the wanderer leaves Ithaca, in the snowy spring.
Now I can dare to say, since the world is small,
In summer, expect the return of the King.
----- Leo Kinmann to Yao
måndag 1 februari 2010
Hi again!
Winter Travelling in US - Part 1
Winter Travelling in US - Part 2
Winter Travelling in US - Part 3
So when my friends Gunnar and Erik visited me, they realized I've adapted somehow to match a commoner's style in US. I started to watch sports, mostly NBA, and also Ivy League games cos I'm a Cornellian. I've also noticed the importance of economy to our daily life, following foreign exchange rates using the Windows Vista gadget on my desktop. One night in San Francisco, when I wanted to hide inside a bookshop from the windchill, I found this interesting book. It's called "Street Fighters: The Last 72 Hours of Bear Stearns, the Toughest Firm on Wall Street". In the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis in early 2008, the investmentbank Bear Stearns was among the first to fall. A few months before the financial apocalypse, Bear Stearns stock was valuable, with a prize of $133 per stock. In the end, when the Bear was being purchased, JP Morgan Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon set a prize of $2 per stock. The Bear, founded in 1923, had seen more than a handful of Wall Street companies rise and crumble. Just like any predator in an unforgiving, merciless process of natural selection, the Bear finally took its last breathe and joined the long list of casualties. Months later, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, pushing the financial crisis onto a whole different level. While this was happening, the common idiocracy in the liberal Sweden was trying to portray US as an empire in its last days, ready to be replaced by the "righteous" EU. What they failed to understand is the way world economy functioned. The American banks are "too big to fail"(a phrase popularized by Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of Fed. Congrats Ben for your second term!). When the big guys fall, they fall hard and crush the small men underneath their weight.
NBA is a good thing. It's the common denominator of Asians and Americans. In China, 9 of 10 guys either follow NBA, watch the game, or play basketball. Those 1 who dont are most likely the social outcasts. Besides, being a national sport in the states, there is no reason you dont know anything about it if you live here and are an Asian dude. Back in Sweden I only cared about World Cup, the Olympics and EUFA. The Swedish television never broadcast NBA games! They only show you soccer, handball and hockey. Hopefully, things are gonna change with one man: Jonas Jerebko, the Detroit Pistons' rookie, supposedly the first Swedish NBA player. (in reality, he's neither the first nor Swedish)
I found this funny article on Aftonbladet, the least credible paper in the world. Take a minute to read it.
If you can't understand Swedish, let me explain it to you in short. The author praised Jonas Jerebko's performance in a losing game, repeatedly calling his first game "an everlasting part of the Swedish sports history", and this guy the first Swede in NBA. The fallacies are:
Jonas Jerebko's father left Syracuse in his early years, moved to Sweden and got married. Ethnically, Jonas is only half-Swedish. Jerebko is not a Swedish lastname. The laughable word they used on Jonas is "västgöten", it's the journalist's lame attempt of putting him into the same category as the fictional "Arn the Knight Templar".
Per definition, if Jonas is a Swede, then NBA have drafted two other Swedes before Jonas: Joakim Noah and Maciej Lampe. I have nothing against Jonas personally. He played well as a rookie. If this guy keeps up, he'll probably even become a candidate for MVP in the near future. With him in NBA, hopefully the basketball will get more media coverage in Sweden, making it easier for me to talk about it with people once I go back. What keeps getting on my nerves is the Swedish way of enlarging the penis with magnifying glass. Since Sweden is a small country with limited influence, what people do to raise the publicity is pinpointing one or few Swedish figures in any field, where they are either relatively famous, or related to something/somebody famous(the latter case occurs more frequent). In music, we got ABBA, Roxette, and Young Folks. In bussiness, IKEA. We also had Ericsson, Volvo, Saab, ABB, Autoliv, but these companies have more foreign stockholders than Swedish. In Hollywood, Stellan Skarsgard and Peter Stormare have been around for decades and are still playing supporting characters. In fact, when "Mamma Mia" was in the theater in US, Stellan's name didn't even appear in the ad. Jonas Akerlund is a good MV director, however, he's not as famous as his music videos. The archetype of this sentimentality is perhaps the reality show, "Swedish Hollywood Wives", the most-watched TV show when it aired. So if you consider yourself less generic than the Americans just because you are Swedish, take a second thought. Cos we are not.
Considering NBA, when Yao Ming was drafted by Houston Rockets in 2002 as the first-pick, the NBA industry exploded with the billion-class viewers in China. Recently, the zeal of seeing a Chinese NBA player has died down. Partly because it's somewhat trivial now. Since Yao's year, China had sent more players into NBA. An Asian face in the court just doesn't make you feel the same anymore. Conversely, you can say: since US is dominating NBA and FIBA, they wont brag about having Kobe and LeBron. They are just two players of the entire league. The act of exaggerating Jonas Jerebko's role in the Pistons proves Sweden's lack of talent in basketball. If you go on, the list could be made much longer:
IKEA: the only rich, successful bussiness
ABBA: the only famous band
Volvo: the only car people knows is from Sweden
Fugelsang: the only astronaut
Jerebko: Sweden's only player in NBA
Zlatan: the only talented "Swedish" soccer player
Robin Soderling: the only active Swedish tennis player
Bjorn Borg: the only tennis world-champion
J-O Waldner: the only world-champion in pingpong
In the future, this might happen: if Jonas' team is doing good, the Swedish media will focus on the few shots and steals achieved by this guy, calling them the winning stunts. If his team is bad, then either NBA will not be mentioned at all, or the blame will be placed on his teammates, until Jerekbo gets traded. Oh, the last thing I want to mention is: after hearing the Swedish news reporter pronouncing NBA as N-B- "aaaaa" a dozen times, only idiots remain sane.